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100 lei 2015 - Grigore Vieru - 80 Years since Birth
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37 mm diameter, 31.1 g, 99.9% silver, grained edge
year 2015, circular inscription REPUBLICA MOLDOVA meaning "REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIA" and the coat of arms of the Republic of Moldavia, in exergue horizontal line and denomination "100 LEI"
a picture of poet Grigore Vieru, a quill and three books, the one on top being open; at upper-left years 1935 and 2009 written as fraction, in exergue GRIGORE VIERU

Issuing date: 2nd of November 2015

Mintage: 1000 coins

The coin belongs to the "Personalities" series.

On the two pages of the book on the reverse (intentionally left open) seems to be written, by the poet's hand, the poem Făptura mamei [Mother's Being]:

Ușoară, maică, ușoară,
C-ai putea să mergi călcând
Pe semințele ce zboară
Între ceruri și pământ.

În priviri cu-n fel de teamă,
Fericită totuși ești -
Iarba știe cum te cheamă,
Steaua știe ce gândești.

The poet's signature is clearly visible on the last row of the page on the right.

Light mother, light,
That you could walk stepping
On the seeds that fly
Between heavens and earth.

In the eyes with certain fear,
However, you are happy -
The grass knows your name,
The star knows what you think.


Certificate of Authenticity

The authenticity certificate of the coin bears a 10-rows only text, but full of meanings:
<<Grigore Vieru (1935-2009) - the national poet of all Romanians, symbol of resistance and continuity through culture of the Romanian spirit in the unitary space of our people on both sides of the Prut River. He left a monumental work of a rare musicality and beauty, allowing anyone to regain sensitivity for the sacred values - mother, longing, home, love and spring. ... "I belong to the elite because I speak, think and feel Romanian", "I speak in a simple way because I have nothing to hide". 2015 was declared the Year of Grigore Vieru.>>

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